Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Evaluation - Section 3


I decided that I needed to gain the feedback from a wide audience to see how they respond to my music video, in addition to my website homepage and my digipak.

Music Video
To begin with, upon completion of my music video, I uploaded it to YouTube. This would enable me to share it easily amongst a wide audience. YouTube has millions of daily users so is the ideal platform for my video to be placed on. It is my hope that the video will be shared around further by other people if they like it so that they can show their friends, generating more publicity for my video with a larger audience.

When uploading my video to YouTube I used a variety of 'tags' so that the likelihood of attracting my target audience would be greater. I used tags such as 'Parody', 'Music Video', 'Rizzle Kicks' so that people who are searching for those kinds of items on YouTube will be able to access my video as it will come up in the suggested videos. Specifying the genre is something which will attract audiences who are particular interested in videos such as mine to it.

Before the post production stage, I let a group of 10 people (6males, 4females, aged between 18 and 30) view some of the footage I had made to see what their views were on what was the best content to use as I had filmed several different versions of my video, mounting up to over 2 and a half hours of raw footage of which around 60% I deemed to be usable, good footage.
They gave me a few ideas of what they think would work best with the footage I had, and so made slight alterations to my initial storyboard. They thought that instead of using simply acting for my choruses, I should instead use a clips of the words being lip-synced. That felt that this would engage the audience a little more in what was going off. I therefore decided, as the feedback from a section of my target audience unanimously agreed, to ensure that I used lip-syncing clips within my chorus in addition to in the verses.

To start off my view count on my video, I shared the link on multiple social media sites. Firstly, I targeted my friends on Facebook. I shared the link to my Facebook account in order to gain some instant feedback from people I know. I then asked kindly if they would mind sharing the video too to help gain even further feedback, perhaps reaching audiences of whom I do not know personally. This way, it helps me generate some good feedback without the option of people being biased as they know who the creator was.

Some of the comments I received from my Facebook friends included:
Response 1 "That's good. Funny. And the cringeyness just adds to the comedy even more. Love it. Well done" 
Person 2 - "hahaha. That is an awesome video mate. Good work"

In addition to this, I have a lot of people who have 'Liked' my link on Facebook. This made me feel as though my video was beginning to go down well, especially with people of my intended target audience.

To gain further feedback, I felt I needed to attempt to seek the feedback of people who I didn't know personally. This would assure me that people would give honest feedback without any bias in their response. I therefore went to Twitter. On my twitter account I have just short of a thousand followers. I felt this would be a good platform on which I could share the link to my video and seek some feedback.

Some of the comments I received on Twitter included: 
Response 1 - "Wasn't quite what I expected. I enjoyed it though. The use of the varying camera angles especially at the beginning of the video I really liked. Works well"
Response 2 - "I noticed a line towards the end that the singer sang slightly different words to the song. Good though"
Response 3 - "Great that mate. Would love to see some more"
Response 4 - "HAHAHA"
Response 5 - "funny stuff. I was laughing throughout. Great job man, keep it up..."
Resonse 6 - "Last chorus could have been framed a little better. Great vid. I like it"

The feedback comments I had received, coupled with a few comments left on my YouTube account, I believe that my video met its aim in being an entertaining and funny video that tried to make people laugh. I found this feedback useful and it made me feel that I had done a good job in that I have succeeded in my target which was to create a humorous parody music video. The long process of coming up with my ideas in the planning stage, moving on to research, production and post production was all worthwhile knowing I have satisfied my target audience which was predominantly teenagers upwards with the main focus being 12-30 year olds but I made it in a way which was suitable for audiences of any age over 12years. I would not deem my video suitable for anyone under the age of 12 as there is one mild expletive within the lyrics. However, to reduce the possibility of encouraging such language from children, I did make my actor not lip-sync that line within my music video so that if a child did watch my video he perhaps wouldn't even realise the word was in the song.

To gain further feedback, I handed out a survey to a group of schoolchildren (14 - 16 year olds) in several classes within my school. I asked each one of them to watch my video and then give some feedback. I did this because I could ask my target audience of which there were 22 males and 20 females whom got surveyed.

All 42 of them said they liked my video and thought that it was funny. They were not keen to critique my work at first but having asked for further honest feedback on what could be improved, they came up with the following...
  • Could have made sure the backing dancers were doing the same dance on the choruses
  • Have more colour on the walls for the chorus. 
  • Perhaps use different/more sets
  • Use a few more shots instead of one long one, going to different locations.
I found this feedback very useful. It gave me some idea of what I could have done better. I have to agree with everything they said as during post-production I thought the same sort of things. Whilst editing my video together I felt I could have used more of a variety of shots, particularly in the second verse. I felt I could have stayed in the same location (within my kitchen), however, instead of one long take, I could have positioned myself around the room with different camera positioning and angle of shots. I would then cut to different shots instead of one continuous one.

Website Homepage
Having linked my website to my music video, I asked a large amount of people to give some feedback on how well, firstly, the website looked and then how well it links to my parody band.

Some of the comments included

  • Great website, very professional looking 
  • Love the colour scheme, works well
  • Could put more content in the right side panel
  • I would maybe show a twitter feed of the latest tweets, rather than just having a button to press that links to the twitter site.
From this feedback I noticed that my audience felt they wanted more social media feeds on my website homepage which I initially didn't have. I therefore went and added this social media feed to the right hand side panel where one person gave me feedback that they felt it was a little bare and that they wished to see more content there.

As you can see from my final version of my website homepage, I have addressed these issues that were raised to me...

I have my digipak to a number of people who reviewed it and gave me feedback. Some of the comments included.

  • I feel it is a little too blue
  • Great use of images
  • The front page is really eye catching
  • The black text could be change to white so that it shows up better.
Having recieved this feedback whilst production of my digipak was ongoing, I was able to create the final product pretty effectively, and I feel I have struck the nail with the balance between the different colours used on my digipak. Firstly, someone noted to me that they felt they were witnessing too much of the same colour blue and they wanted something to spice it up a bit. I therefore changed it to the final version you see today. The top right hand panel you can see I altered from having a blue background to a dark grey (to match the similar greyscale use of images for the digipak) with the blue then used to put borders around the text as to still keep the colour scheme I had chosen alive.

The feedback I have received from my audience has made my final product much greater than if I had published the initial designs I had as my final ones. The audience know what they want and as I am there to satisfy my audience, I have to listen to their feedback and give them what they want. Not everything is going to be plain sailing in production, however thanks to the feedback I received I feel as though my audience will be 99% satisfied with my final productions. Ongoing feedback is crucial. If you leave your audiences right until the very last minute to give you feedback, you may waste hours of time solving issues you could have otherwise done simple minor tweaks to whilst producing your products.
This is the case in any media production. Such as games, you get demo's. Programs you'll get BETA versions. It is just the way of life. Audiences need to give you ongoing feedback in order to create a successful product, and the only way you can create a successful product is if you listen to your audiences feelings as they are ultimately the ones who will be spending their hard earned cash on your product. 

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