Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Evaluation - Section 2


I have created a parody music band for my Advanced Portfolio Production, using the number 1 brief. My main task was to create a music video along with 2 ancillary tasks which were to create a website homepage and a digipak for the album.

My Music Video


Website Homepage

How to combine the 3 was one of the tasks I set myself at the start pre-production. How would I get the 3 to look as though they were created with the other in mind? How would they flow into each other? How would there be some form of consistency?

The idea behind the music video was to create a parody song of 'Down With Trumpets by Rizzle Kicks' of which I created my parody music band Nizzle Flips and my very own song 'Down With The Crumpets'. Having completed the music video, I then needed to create a website homepage and a digipak for the band that would use synergy and make them look like they are destined to be together and the two ancillary tasks to be used as a promotional aid to the music video.

I chose these 2 ancillary tasks over the magazine advertisement as I felt I could create better looking products of this kind rather than an advert.

My website had to integrate things from the music video to help combine the two. I used an image gallery from the music video shoot so that audiences can have a little 'Behind the scenes' insight into the creation of Nizzle Flips' first ever music video. I feel my audience will enjoy viewing things like image galleries as something that not only breaks up the text but also allows the audience to connect with the band members.

I have used motifs in my work. The recurring use of images over the course of my website and digipak, and how they link in with the main music video is something of which I am proud of. The recurring theme of the two band members dressed in onesies is something I felt made my parody band stand out from the crowd. I used a number of images from the same photo-shoot where the two actors were wearing the same outfits. This made my products have a generic 'house style' about them. This motif was used because I felt it would make a connection between the different products and show that they are all part of the same 'family'.

I feel that audiences have certain expectations regarding each of my production pieces. They expect a parody music video to be entertaining and the vital point is that they are meant to be funny and make the audience laugh. The digipak is meant to be easily recognizable as the bands' own album and not to be mistaken with anyone else's. This is due to the fact that when they see it they should think, "Oh look, It's Nizzle Flips' album... I have to buy that!". It needs to have clear links to the band, for example on the front page you want a full size image of the band along with the name of the band in addition to the album name. This will help gain the attention of the audience. The website for the parody band should have a distinctive likeness to the other products. The same colour scheme, similar use of images (perhaps the same one used on the website as on the digipak,or maybe just a similar image from the same shoot.)

I think I have met the expectations of the audience. They appear to have found my music video funny. The link between my main product and my ancillary tasks appeared to adhere to the audiences' expectations. (I will go into further detail on my next post which will cover audience feedback).

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