Thursday, 28 March 2013

Filming Complete

Last Friday I completed the filming for my music video. I used my free time within 6th form to film the 3 choruses of the video of which the 2 singers were joined by 3 'bacing dancers', with all 5 dressed in onesies. I filmed within school in the dining room (as it has plain white wall as a background to my shots) and the auditorium as I wanted to incorporate that into my video.

Having reviewed the footage which I have taken, I am pretty happy with what I have shot and I will now start work on the editing of the video.

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Day 2 Filming Confirmation

Yesterday I went about getting the permission to film in my chosen location. The location I have chosen for the second day of filming is the school canteen and the auditorium. Due to the fact that these locations are within my school, I knew it would probably be okay for me to do my filming here, however, I did need to ask permission from the Principal of the school and the subject teachers who may be using these areas at certain times.
I was granted permission by the Principal to film during period 4 at school on Friday 22nd March (tomorrow) and I have also asked the drama department if I can use the auditorium for further filming, incorporating the seats and the stairways into my scenes.This also has been granted.

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Day 2 filming arrangements

I have arranged a date to film the remaining parts of my music video. I plan to film it in the school canteen on Friday 22nd March during parts of the day where there shall be less students so I shall not be interfering with the schools dining area when the space is needed.

I have asked my 5 actors to arrive with their onesies at the school at 10:30am. This will give me time to set up and film before the school dinners start at 12:45 by which time I shall have vacated the filming area.

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Website Homepage

For my website homepage which I have to create, I have decided to use a template from an online web design page.
Some of the sites I could use are
Having looked at some of the templates the various sites offer, I decided I like the look of the website below in terms of a layout. Obviously, the colour scheme doesn't suit my particular requirements but this is something I will change first. For my background, I am thinking of going with maybe an image of crumpets, to link the site with the bands' debut parody single, 'Down With The Crumpets'.
I am looking to keep the idea the trio of iPhone images, incorporating images of the band with a link to iTunes in which people can purchase the tracks.
I like the idea of an image gallery scroll-bar mid way through the homepage for which people can get a further idea of the band and see images from video production and photo shoot.