Monday, 22 October 2012

Recording the song

On Saturday, me and my friends Tom and Andy who are part of my parody Band 'Nizzle Flips', went down to another of my friends house, Joe, to start work on the recording of my song 'Down with the Crumpets'.
We recorded the song initially and I am currently working with Joe on the track to see if we can fine tune any of it to make the recording sound slightly more professional. The final recording will be completed over the coming days.

During the initial recording however, I discovered that some of the lyrics I had originally written weren't really flowing together as well as I originally thought they would. Therefore, there were a few lines of the song I decided to re-write and now I feel the song flows slightly better than it previously did.
These are a few images from the recording session.

Thursday, 18 October 2012


To help me with my planning, I hope to gain some knowledge from what sorts of people like parody music and if they do, what are their reasons.
Using the method of a paper questionnaire I will ask 30 people of different ages, genders and backgrounds a series of questions that will help me to find out what people are looking for in a parody, the results of which will give me a good indication of how I will go about creating my music video.

In addition to the paper questionnaire, I have also uploaded the questionnaire to as another alternative to give me feedback on what people are looking out for.

Choosing the ancillary tasks

The 3 possible ancillary tasks for my chosen brief are...
  • A website homepage for the band,
  • A digipack for the album's release
  • A magazine article for the digipack
As I have done work previously in web design, I am going to choose the first option of  'a website homepage for the band' as I feel I have sufficient experience in this area in addition to the second task 'a digipack for the album's release' as I feel this will be most beneficial to my project and are the tasks I feel I can perform the best at.

Setting a date to record the song

I have organised a time to do the recording of my song. I have gained the help of a friend who has recording equipment, and later this week, myself and two of my friends will go and record the song at his house. This has been scheduled for Saturday 20th October.

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Target Audience

The target audience for my media product is quite wide. The prime market, however, would be the youth as this is the general age range that I feel would be interested in my parody song. Teenagers would be the most likely to view my video on sites such as YouTube and then in turn purchase the song from iTunes to put on their iPods for example. People from different backgrounds, both males and females can enjoy parody music as it is not something that is taken seriously as such and is made in the way that can be accepted and enjoyed by many.

I expect my prime audience market to be between the ages of 11 and 25 although this is not to say people of other ages will not be interested in my parody song. I believe this will be the case due to the fact that the style/genre of the song I am parodying is not to all peoples' musical taste.

The song I am parodying is a Rizzle Kicks song. Rizzle Kicks have sold more than 1million singles. They have a huge fan base and the likelihood is that a percentage of those fans will view Rizzle Kicks' material on video sites such as YouTube. Therefore, if I can reach some of those fans, I have found myself a serious amount of audience members.

Alternatively, there will be some people who just love parodies, whatever the genre of the original song. This is because some people just love the humour of a parody song and will like the parody artist and ALL of their work without being a particular fan of the song that they are parodying.

Friday, 5 October 2012

Conventions of a Music Video - (PPT Slides as Pictures)

Having researched into other parody artists' work and how they go about entertaining the audience, I looked at their codes and conventions to see how I could successfully reach my target audience and follow and break the traditional methods to create a funny, entertaining parody video. 

Thursday, 4 October 2012